Yesterday, it was established that one of the factors that makes Bathsheba an irresistible parent was the fact that she understood that parenting is more than motherhood; God has a purpose for her life that must be achieved through parenting, so she positioned herself to achieve this purpose against all odds. Knowing fully that parenting is not just motherhood must have helped her push through the difficulty of purpose fulfillment and not just the pain of child labor to birth her destiny and that of her son (King Solomon).
For Bathsheba, parenting was a responsibility and not just a title. People are not honored with responsibility, unlike titles; rather, people grow into responsibility. Though titles might attract some rights and obligations, responsibility is accompanied by the inbuilt abilities or maturity and the understanding to perform a task as required, which are needed to make godly and gainful parenting a reality. More reason, I said that parenting is not a title; therefore, you are expected to grow into it and not be pushed into it by premarital sex, cohabitation, early or late marriage, fear of childlessness, social pressure, and more, so as to be prepared to pay it required price.
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