The process of effective communication consists of a sequence of actions that must be taken into consideration so as to make communication successful.
The process of effective communication consists of a sequence of actions that must be taken into consideration so as to make communication successful. defines communication as a process by which information is passed between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs, or behaviors.
Since communication is a process through which information is passed between intimate partners, it must be well mastered, as many people assume that they are communicating because they have the ability to talk.
This quarter, we are looking into the portfolio of an irresistible lover, that is, those virtues that you need to have if you will become irresistible to your marital partner. Last month we started with mutual understanding, which might be difficult to come by without adequate information about your partner. For this reason, I emphasized the importance of getting information from your spouse or intending spouse last month, which I will also continue with this month, as knowledge births good understanding, which is necessary for a sustainable, blissful home.
To maximize your marital relationship as God intended, you need adequate knowledge about marriage and about your intending spouse or spouse, we narrowed down to knowledge about your spouse this month. Knowledge about your spouse can only be made possible if you have enough information about him/her which begins by knowing how to make him or her talk to you heart-to-heart, for the more he or she can confidently share his or her deep thoughts and feelings with you and vice versa, the easier you become one with one another.
Overcoming phone or social media addiction is simple, especially if one is deliberate about it, though it might not be easy because most people have their phones as their second office.
Excessive use of the phone or social media is not only detrimental to general body health, mental wellness, and day-to-day living; it could also put a strain on your marital relationship with damaging effects. When either or both partners in a marital relationship are struggling with excessive use of social media or phones, it will sabotage their time for good communication, and that will take a negative turn on the quality of their relationship because of the emotional gap it will create.
Your mind is your greatest sexual organ; if your mind is not in tune with a sexual activity, you cannot sustain your arousal. For this reason, you should be more deliberate about what enters your mind by guiding it with all diligence.
It becomes easy to stay away from masturbating once you know what triggers it. Likewise, you also need to remember how the addiction began and the events that led to its first occurrence such as sexual assault or rape as this could also help you make an informed decision on how to control it.
Erection is normal for a male sexual organ; likewise, sexual urge is not abnormal in females, but the fact that one is hungry does not make one eat animal dung, drink one’s urine, or eat undone yam. Sexual drive is just like hunger drive, thirst drive, sleep drive, etc. Just as you will wait to drink healthy liquid when thirsty and to eat properly cooked food when hungry, in the same vein, you should trust God to wait for the appropriate use of your sexual organ.
Self-awareness is where freedom from masturbation addiction begins, and this involves knowing what masturbation addiction is, its impact on your mental health, your marital relationship, and your everyday life.
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