Yesterday, it was said that parents have to be deliberate in imbibing the supervisory culture of teachers, as that is highly needed in today’s world where the unfriendly global economy has made a lot of parents work extra hours so as to pay their bills and compete well socially, and it was said that structures are necessary to be put in place to watch over children in our absence.

Now, the question is: who is to watch over children now that humanity seems to be going to instinct with the dangerous happenings and discoveries around the world?

Paul, in our text today, encourages Timothy not to just deal with any kind of man but the trusted one. Rapists, pedophiles, ritualists, child traffickers, and others have made the world unsaved for children. Come to think of it, UNICEF research in 2007 reveals that 60% of those who abuse a child are those trusted by his or her parents, such as domestic workers, relatives, academic and spiritual instructors, neighbors, and family health workers.

If this is the case, then you will need to be sensitive to the direction of the Holy Spirit as to who you employ to supervise your child alongside with you. Jochebed got a likeminded supervisor alongside with her, and it ended in praise for her. It will as well end in praise for you in Jesus name.

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