The Relationship Mentoring school program, held on 27th May 2024, focused on the theme “Understanding Your Partner’s Love Needs.” The program aimed to educate participants on the importance of understanding their own and their partner’s love languages in building and maintaining healthy relationships.
The program featured a comprehensive discussion on Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages, which are:
1. Words of Affirmation
2. Quality Time
3. Receiving Gifts
4. Acts of Service
5. Physical Touch
– Participants gained insight into the different ways people express and receive love, and how understanding these languages can strengthen relationships.
– Each participant took a test to determine their own primary and secondary love languages, providing a personalized understanding of their love needs.
– The program encouraged open discussion, sharing, and reflection among participants, fostering a supportive and inclusive environment.
Participants gained a deeper understanding of their own love languages and how to communicate their love needs effectively.
– Participants learned how to identify and appreciate their partner’s love language, promoting empathy and understanding in relationships.
– The program empowered participants with practical knowledge and skills to nurture and maintain healthy, loving relationships.
We believe this program, successfully equipped participants with valuable insights and practical tools to enhance their relationships. By understanding and speaking each other’s love languages, participants can build stronger, more fulfilling connections with their partners.