Our text today says that Rebecca, the damsel that was being considered for Isaac as wife was fair to look upon. I believe Eliezer must have gone to meet the most beautiful lady among the daughters of the land who came out to fetch at the well, the evening he chose a wife for Isaac, and I think he would have done that because Sarah the mother of Isaac was beautiful even in her old age and Isaac had spent the first 40 years of his life with her.
Therefore, Eliezer must have thought that a woman who will step into the shoes of Sarah as a wife and a mother for Isaac must be beautiful to behold as well. Likewise, I believe that physical factor such as beauty was not out of place when Jacob chose Rachel over Leah.
Furthermore, Physical compatibility in a marital relationship is very important as it enhances sexual attraction. Meaning that a person you are not physically attracted to might not trigger you sexually, hence physical attraction or compatibility should not be overlooked in a marital relationship though it should not override the leading of the Holy Spirit or be the whole essence of a marital relationship.