If you are a referenced and irresistible parent, in the evening of your life, the virtue of patience is highly needed to let your child live and find expression in life.
If you are a referenced and irresistible parent, in the evening of your life, the virtue of patience is highly needed to let your child live and find expression in life.
Indeed, parenting is sacrificial and requires a high level of commitment, and patience is one of the high costs of parenting.
Parenting is first an investment; whether it is rightly or wrongly done, it is always highly rewarding with a huge dividend, following the pattern in which it has been done.
Parenting is highly rewarding and beneficial, but there’s always work to do before this can become a reality.
Commitment is the act of paying the price that is required to make a process successful. No two children are the same; for this reason, parents have to be dedicated to knowing the price they have to pay at every stage of their child’s development so as to help that child in birthing God’s purpose for him or her.
Parenting should not be a trade by barter because it is far beyond the social norm. I want to believe that Bathsheba saw parenting as a calling from God or a ministry to be fulfilled rather than just a social norm and more reason she is a referenced mother, even till date.
Parenting is not a title; therefore, you are expected to grow into it and not be pushed into it by premarital sex, cohabitation, early or late marriage, fear of childlessness, social pressure, and more, so as to be prepared to pay it required price.
Many parents who live in charity homes, or homes for the aged have successful and wealthy children. So money is not the problem and from experience, the parents who are sometimes sent to homes have their own buildings and have some good amount of money in their savings.
Join us this year to see how you can remain relevant in your children’s lives even in your old age. This series is therefore for parents and parents to be. God bless you as you journey with us throughout the year.
Once again, Happy New Year.
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