It was said yesterday that this month, being the last month of the year, shall be dedicated to a concise summary of the previous teachings on a quarterly basis. In the first quarter of the year, we said that the journey to becoming an irresistible marital partner starts from the point of having a positive perception of yourself, as your partner cannot value you beyond the value you place upon yourself.

Self-perception is how you perceive, rate, and esteem yourself, and this in turn determines how your partner and others around you see and rate you. Just as it happened to the Israelites in our text, the enemies perceive them in line with how they see themselves.

To have a positive perception of yourself:

You need to have adequate knowledge of yourself which can be achieved by understanding your VITALS.



T- Temperament

A: Around the clock

L-Life mission

S- Strengths

Accept yourself

Love yourself

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